About Us

So you found out about this space on campus – maybe you even heard about our cheap coffee and comfy couches – and now you’re here! We know you might have some questions, and we’re here to answer them!

Where is Lunik?

Lunik is in the basement of the lovely Glendon Manor! Thanks to some serious renovations and student dedication, we’re now an established cozy space for the Glendon community!

What can I find at Lunik?

We have a relaxing and ambient lounge area with many different seating options and some relaxing lo-fi/coffee shop music always playing in the background! We are also equipped with a fridge, espresso machine, kettle, toaster over, microwave, sink, and dishwasher!

How do I pay?

Lunik runs on a pay-what-you-can model, which means that whatever you are willing to contribute for a drink is okay with us! We also provide vegan desserts and snacks from Sweets from the Earth, as well as vegetarian Indian food from Zara’s Gourmet Kitchen, all sold at-cost. All the costs are listed on our fridge AND our money box. In order for Lunik to continue to operate at a minimal cost, please remember to pay!

Is Lunik really run by volunteers?

Indeed! Lunik is run by a team of student coordinators and volunteers. Many volunteers offer their time to help  the space run smoothly. And you can volunteer too! Volunteer hours at Lunik are a great way to learn, earn valuable experience and meet new people!

That being said, we’re more than just a place to get a muffin and some coffee, we’re actually an organization. Lunik Co-operative Inc. is a student run organization, complete with a Mandate. Here is what Lunik sets out to do on campus:

Lunik Co-op

So, what does this mean?

The first part of our mandate means that the food we serve in Lunik is good for the planet (environmentally sustainable), ethically produced (socially sustainable), and affordable for you (economically sustainable). The idea is that we should be able to consume food without putting stress on our planet, relationships with people, or our wallets.

Got more questions? Give us a shout at lunik.cooperative@gmail.com, we’d love to hear from you. Or just show up and we bet you will find someone who’s ready to gush about why they love Lunik.

Our History

here’s a little history lesson:

In 2008, a group of Glendon students envisioned an alternative space for students at Glendon College. Sustainably sourced food and affordable prices were of key concern, as was a space for study, club meetings and events of all sorts. From all these ideas, the Lunik Co-operative Café was born.

The students were able to get the Glendon administration on board with their vision and had a levy of $.90/credit passed. Even though the levy fund for Lunik was created in 2008, it took some time (and some accumulating of funds) for things to reach the next level opening!

In the summer of 2011, a small group of students set their sights on finally opening up the Lunik co-op café. While a major renovation to the kitchen was planned, a number of roadblocks keep the project from materializing. Rather than let the kitchen renovation set them back, the students decided to press forward.

A garden was planted, walls were painted, dirt was scrubbed, coffee machine was purchased, equipment and tables were moved, lights were put up, upholstery was stapled, a logo was designed and so on…until finally, on October 3rd, the basement of the Glendon Manor building opened its doors to the Glendon community as the Lunik Co-op café.

Opening hours quickly expanded from 12pm-4pm to 10am-7pm. Students and staff alike poured into Lunik eager to see what had finally become of this long talked about idea on campus.

It was clear from the get-go that Lunik was a special place, and a few years of hard-work from students went a long way. Lunik co-op is now a hugely popular and successful student run café with fancy teas, ethical coffee and all sorts of delicious vegan snacks all available by donation.

More than its role as a café, the Lunik Co-op has established itself as an important meeting ground for students to study, discus and create. Glendonites meet at Lunik to share time with their fellow students in a warm, home-like environment. The community built around Lunik is what makes it a true source of pride for Glendon!